
2021年4月30日—I'vefoundmanyF-Droidappswillhavemorefeatures-SimpleMobileToolsandOpenVPNforexample.Theotherdifferenceistheseappsarebuilt ...,Ataskmanagerapp,allowingyoutocategoriseyourtodolistbyurgency,state,timeframeetc.TaskscanbesynchronisedwithaCalDAVserverusing,e.g.,,Tasksislibreopen-sourcesoftware,basedontheoriginalsourcecodefromthepopularAstridTasks&ToDoList!Taskscanbeusedentirelyoffli...


2021年4月30日 — I've found many F-Droid apps will have more features - Simple Mobile Tools and OpenVPN for example. The other difference is these apps are built ...

OpenTasks | F-Droid

A task manager app, allowing you to categorise your todo list by urgency, state, timeframe etc. Tasks can be synchronised with a CalDAV server using, e.g.,

Tasks.org: Open-source To

Tasks is libre open-source software, based on the original source code from the popular Astrid Tasks & To Do List! Tasks can be used entirely offline, ...

Tasks.org: Open-Source

Tasks is libre open-source software, based on the original source code from the popular Astrid Tasks & To Do List! Tasks can be used entirely offline, ...